Sunday 22 September 2013

I'm Giving In...

Great view of the waterfront
     I'm giving in...I'm going to speak Spanish. Sorry to confuse you, Khmer people! I just can't help it. I don't know what you're saying, you don't know what I'm does it really matter? I've taught a couple of the girls in the home to say some things in Spanish so now one of the girls follows me around saying "hola Rachelle!" I kind of love it. Win for me!

     This week has been good. We're really getting acclimated to the culture, the humidity and rain, and the stress of transportation. I feel like I've been here way longer than 2 weeks!

     Here's just a few things I've noticed or learned this week:

Eating tarantulas with other volunteers
I look totally calm, but I was freaking out inside
1. Mosquitos here are very very slow. I've only gotten bitten twice! Cockroaches are so slow too. And I've killed so many of each. However, ants are incredibly speedy. I'm very impressed.

2. Tarantulas are the absolute worst thing to eat. Just don't do it. And if you do, don't accidentally eat its butt. TERRIBLE idea.

Delicious cookie dough egg rolls from Daughters
3. Living here kind of reminds me of living in Colorado Springs last summer. There are so many NGOs (non-government organizations, basically non-profits) that I sometimes forget I'm in Cambodia. Going into most restaurants is like walking into America. I was getting lunch the other day when halfway through the song, I realized Needtobreathe was playing. These waitresses can't even speak English, but they know what music to play for the foreigners! There's so many cafes and restaurants like Daughters, Sisters, Jars of Clay, and Friends that support women and street children by lifting them out of poverty and giving them jobs as an alternative to prostitution or trafficking. I absolutely LOVE this idea and supporting them, it's just so weird because there's never any local Cambodian people in most restaurants - it's too expensive even though it seems so cheap to us!

     This week has been super busy and productive for Bethany and I. We're getting to know the girls more and more and I think I finally know all their names! The girls go to school in the morning and have English class in the afternoon. So Beth and I (creative side is all Beth) made a reading chart to encourage the girls to read in English! We're also helping make a reading nook in the new girls home - for girls who are in transition to be reintegrated. We decided on the theme of Belle from Beauty & the Beast and her library of books so the girls are so excited because they love Disney princesses!

     Speaking of Disney princesses, the girls asked me to read Beauty & the Beast the other day. One of the girls translated what I said into Khmer but I may or may not have added God as a character in the story. He's the one who loves us based on what our hearts are like, not what we look like on the outside! It was so fun reading to them and, of course, singing every song in the movie with the girls. This was definitely one of the highlights of my week!

#gocru Reppin' the Cru's first win in the new stadium
     Another highlight was leading devotions for the girls. I've been asked to come up with a guide for all the volunteers as we plan out the daily devotions. So starting this next week until December we'll be going through the stories of Old Testament people and learning about how God reveals Himself through each of them. We're covering some difficult stories like Joseph being sold into slavery and how he trusted God through it all. So please pray for these girls to understand God's love and sovereignty in every story! By the end of November we'll stress the need for a hero to come in and save all people - a perfect introduction to the birth of a perfect hero, Jesus! 

     Every Tuesday that I'm here I get to lead the girls in a daily devotional. I have an AMAZING translator who is a beautiful 20 year-old girl who teaches the girls English and is a solid Christian woman! It's soooo powerful having her here with the girls; they can reach the girls in a way that none of us foreigners can. Last Tuesday I talked about God's unfailing love. I taught the girls motions to the song, "Your Love Never Fails," a song they already know. They've asked to do the song several times since then and they're starting to learn the English words! I also shared the story of the lost sheep and how "nothing can separate, even if we run away, God's love never fails!" The girls acted out the story and loved "baa-ing" like sheep! Last Tuesday I was having a pretty down day, not feeling like I was getting to use my gifts or doing things I loved. And God gave me this perfect opportunity to laugh and spend time with the girls - loving on them and sharing with them truths about Jesus. Ah, my favorite thing ever. 

You want the girls to ride on the back of THIS? #itsnotok
     Saturday morning we took 3 girls to the new transition home. When we went to pick up the girls on our bikes we learned that only 1 of the girls could ride a bike and that the other two 6 year-olds would be riding on the back of our bikes. Totally normal thing for Cambodians. Not Americans. So we're riding our bikes through the busy streets of Phnom Penh with a girl on the back of each of our bikes - not to mention we're trying to keep track of the crazy A.D.D. girl biking wayy ahead or behind us. God was definitely gracious and we made it safely both ways! In the afternoon we went back with all the girls and just spent time playing with them. I taught them several Rock the Rock songs and the motions and they loved it. And I loved it. It was just the best. 

     Anyway, this week was great. Please pray for Bethany because she's sick, and pray that I wouldn't get sick either. Pray that we know how to really be there for the girls; I'm such a fixer and I can't do that in this situation so pray that I will know what my role can be. Also PLEASE pray for this city from October 3-5th for Cambodia's Buddhist holiday, Pchum Ben day or ancestor's day. During this time, Cambodian Buddhists believe that the gates of hell are opened and dead spirits are free to roam about the city. Everyone stays inside during these days and chants constantly to try to appease the spirits. It's a very dark holiday for believers and many Christians have been known to have nightmares or struggle with things they don't normally struggle with. Please pray for our team here during these days. Thank you so much for your prayers! God is good! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Love reading your stories! I can feel the joy and excitement. Praying for you lots!
