Thanksgiving was tough without family and close friends. I spent the day with an American, Sofia, who lives here and who I met at the church I worked for in 2010. We also had some of the other American gap year workers come over for dinner. I cooked my first turkey and helped cook the many different food options. But I struggled with truly being thankful. My family and extended family are very close so it was really hard being away from them for Thanksgiving and Black Friday (my favorite Thanksgiving family tradition).
Thanksgiving (Sofia in green on the couch, Beth in grey) |
Also, there's a girl named Beth in the photo above. She was part of the youth group at the church I worked at in Eston in 2010 and now she's a recently-joined gap year worker with us! So cool to see how God works when we don't even know it! Very encouraging to remember that we are only planting seeds; we can never be sure how God will grow them in the future!
Me with a couple of Lightning Bolts and junior leaders |
Another cool story on that note: last Monday we were struggling to come up with an idea for Lightning Bolts that night. So we decided to pray for wisdom...duh. I feel like those of us in ministry can spend so much time planning and preparing that we forget to come before God, asking for discernment and guidance in teaching his people. More than often, we treat prayer as a "good luck charm," granting us blessing over the plans we've already made. After we prayed, we sat in silence for a minute and God revealed to both Ste (other youth worker) and I, the parable of the Sower. Exited about this revelation, we planned a short creative set up based on the parable, and prayer over the night. I'll admit I was expecting a huge reaction, after all, God had ordained it. However, nothing happened. It was a pretty typical, possibly even more chaotic night than usual. But I know that God was there that night, in the middle of the disrespectful kids who wanted nothing to do with the story. And the irony, that the whole parable was about planting seeds, a reminder that God is the gardener, and we may never know the impact we have this side of heaven. I feel confident that the night was a success; God was the center!
We've started reading Francis Chan's Crazy Love with the junior leaders and EQ (high school) kids. I'm super excited to see where this leads; so far they are enjoying it and learning a lot about what real religion and Christianity calls us to do - love like crazy!
We also decorated the tree for the church on Friday with EQ. So much fun listening to Christmas music, drinking apple cider, and just hanging out! So ready for the Christmas season! On the 7th of December I'm hosting a girls Christmas craft party and watching Elf and all the girls are so excited for it!
We also decorated the tree for the church on Friday with EQ. So much fun listening to Christmas music, drinking apple cider, and just hanging out! So ready for the Christmas season! On the 7th of December I'm hosting a girls Christmas craft party and watching Elf and all the girls are so excited for it!
Psalm 46:10 says to "be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted in all the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth." I've always heard the beginning of this verse (the "be still and know" part). But rarely have I focused on God's promise that He will be exalted among all people throughout all of history. The human nature in me often says that God needs me. And that every now and then I need to "be still" from my busy ministry-lifestyle and remember and "know that He's God." Once I remember this truth, then I can go back and continue serving Him because, of course, He desperately needs me. However, if I focus on the 2nd part of the verse, I'll see it from an entirely different angle. It makes it all about Him, "every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord" (Philippians 2). This will happen, so we can be confident that He's in charge. We can be still and know that He's not dependent on us to make His name great throughout the world. But He does want to include us; He wants us to be a part. Lately God's been teaching me this and it's rocking my world. And will probably become a tattoo sometime while I'm here. :)
Decorating the Christmas Tree with EQ (high school) |
P.S. MY BIRTHDAY IS IN 5 DAYS! 23, woohoo!
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