Wednesday, 18 January 2017

¡Feliz Aniversario! Make a Way

My A-Team at the airport in Jan
     This time last year "Make a Way" by I Am They was my jam. (click here to watch video) I probably listened to it 10 times a day. I was a couple days away from uprooting my life to Bogotá, Colombia. Unlike most people who move overseas, I didn't have a plan B. I couldn't move back in with my parents if things didn't work out. I packed my 26 years into 3 suitcases and sold everything else I owned. It was so scary. I was days away from moving and still didn't have all my funding. I was living with my brother and sister-in-law in a different city than the others on my team, and I remember wondering if I was about to make the worst mistake of my life.

Team Bogotá 32 at Easter
     But jumping into the water to meet Jesus is never easy. And it's never worth it if it's not a risk. Looking back on the past year, it's been a rollercoaster. In January of 2016 I moved in with a family of 4 and 3 other single people. We moved to Bogotá with plans to start a church in our home and minister to college students at a local university. We studied Spanish. A lot. We played soccer. A lot. And we met a ton of people anywhere we went - public transportation, Uber, restaurants, and more. We were a sight to been seen. Over the course of the year, we saw the very best and the very worst of each other. Sharing lives with so many different souls is not easy.

My family in Bogotá in June
      Yet it was because of this experience that I learned that Jesus is truly my shepherd. My only job in this life it to humbly walk close to his side. I don't need to be concerned with where I am going because he knows the places, situations, and people who are best for me to grow, whether for a short season or for much longer. I learned that as long as I'm content walking with him, he will somehow use me and prepare my steps ahead of me. And even though 2016 did not go at all the way I expected, God has provided all that I need.

     A quote from my favorite cheesy, Christian, middle school movie says "when God throws a curve ball, don't duck; you just might miss something." This has certainly become true in my life. My life has been full of curveballs, but I wouldn't change it for the world. My lowest points have been balanced out by unbelievable adventures. And the funny thing is, I would never has experienced my Savior's constancy had it not been for all this change. He is faithful, y'all. Never be too afraid to jump the boat that you miss out on seeing his character.

Teacher trip to Peru in October
Machu Picchu and Llamas!
     In July I started a job teaching at an English-speaking, Christian school. My heart had desperately missed working with teenagers. I started as a part-time language arts and theater teacher. The day before I started at El Camino Academy, I remember being incredibly unsure. I thought, "this isn't why I came to Colombia. Am I bailing on my group by jumping ship to work at this school? What will my supporters think if I start doing something else?" Curve ball. But now I can't imagine my Colombian life without this job.

Disney day at school-10th grade
     In December I moved out of the house I had been living in since January 2016, and I moved in with another teacher from ECA. I love being closer to school and closer to the other teachers I work with. It's an unbelievable blessing to be a part of this community of Jesus followers.

New Year's with teacher friends
      So for all of you who have asked how long I will be living in Colombia, I have no idea. I don't need to know. I am first and foremost a citizen of heaven, so where I live and serve on this planet isn't relevant. As long as I am journeying close to my shepherd, the job, place, and people are a means to help me enjoy and glorify him and prepare myself for the next curve ball that comes my way.

You brought me to the desert so You could be my water
You brought me to the fire so You could be my shield
You brought me to the darkness so You could be my morning light
If You brought me this far, if You brought me this far

Wherever you lead me, I know you won’t leave me
Wherever you call me, You will make a way
Wherever we’re going, I will be holding
To the promise you have made
You will make a way

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