Sunday, 8 September 2019

Jesus Stopped.

El Camino Academy Staff Retreat 2019
Before Jesus ever started his public ministry, God had created a pain, but he also created a path to healing. Luke 8 tells the story of a woman who had been bleeding for 12 years. And during all those years, God was working. At the same time the woman began to bleed, God created Jarius' daughter who, 12 years later would need to be raised to life, causing Jarius to look for Jesus. And as Jesus was in route to heal the little girl, he encountered the woman who started it all, and who, by faith, called out for redemption. 

So Jesus stopped. 

Sunset View from Apartment 1604
He could have felt the power leave him but continued on his way to heal the girl, but he chose to stop, and from Jarius' perspective, delay. 

He cared deeply for this woman who reached out in faith. He cared because his father had created this journey, this route, more than 12 years ago, hoping that she would reach out in faith to be healed. 

And so Jesus stopped.

Bible project - mobile of priorities with Jesus at center
When he stopped, he turned his back to Jarius and looked around. And he used this woman's pain to show Jarius that he has enough power to heal both sorrows. 

Yet how often do I feel personally hurt when he turns to answer another prayer or heals or saves someone else while I am begging for his help. But the truth is that his choice to stop for another does nothing to take away from the power in my story. There is always more compassion and more time.

His time is not our time. Why did he let her bleed for 12 years? We'll never know this side of heaven. But while she waited, she was not forgotten. He was working. 

In English we say "God is working" or "God is at work." But in Spanish there's another word - "obrando." It goes beyond the idea of working or managing or operating. It implies more of a "creating" or "designing" and the word "obra" can be used to talk about a work of art or a play. I love this because it better portrays the process of God in us. It's a photograph being developed in a dark room, a story being dreamed up, or a seed planted but not buried forever. It is not finished. 

Jesus does not delay. But he does stop.